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Bulgarian Lev (BGN) Exchange Rates on 26th July 2024 (26/07/2024)

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Exchange rates for Bulgarian Lev (BGN)

Updated: 2024-07-26
Convert from Convert to 1 BGN Conversion in currency Conversion
BGN BGN GBP GBP 0.4315 BGN to GBP 2.3177 GBP to BGN
BGN BGN HRK HRK 3.8341 BGN to HRK 0.2608 HRK to BGN
BGN BGN CZK CZK 12.9636 BGN to CZK 0.0771 CZK to BGN
BGN BGN DKK DKK 3.815 BGN to DKK 0.2621 DKK to BGN
BGN BGN HUF HUF 200.5552 BGN to HUF 0.005 HUF to BGN
BGN BGN KZT KZT 263.4855 BGN to KZT 0.0038 KZT to BGN
BGN BGN LVL LVL 0.3357 BGN to LVL 2.9786 LVL to BGN
BGN BGN MKD MKD 31.5077 BGN to MKD 0.0317 MKD to BGN
BGN BGN MDL MDL 9.8662 BGN to MDL 0.1014 MDL to BGN
BGN BGN NOK NOK 6.1177 BGN to NOK 0.1635 NOK to BGN
BGN BGN PLN PLN 2.1902 BGN to PLN 0.4566 PLN to BGN
BGN BGN RON RON 2.5398 BGN to RON 0.3937 RON to BGN
BGN BGN RUB RUB 47.168 BGN to RUB 0.0212 RUB to BGN
BGN BGN SEK SEK 6.0077 BGN to SEK 0.1665 SEK to BGN
BGN BGN CHF CHF 0.4889 BGN to CHF 2.0453 CHF to BGN
BGN BGN TRY TRY 18.3661 BGN to TRY 0.0544 TRY to BGN
BGN BGN UAH UAH 22.8709 BGN to UAH 0.0437 UAH to BGN
Updated: 2024-07-26
Convert from Convert to 1 BGN Conversion in currency Conversion
BGN BGN ARS ARS 515.9047 BGN to ARS 0.0019 ARS to BGN
BGN BGN BOB BOB 3.8342 BGN to BOB 0.2608 BOB to BGN
BGN BGN BRL BRL 3.133 BGN to BRL 0.3192 BRL to BGN
BGN BGN CAD CAD 0.7669 BGN to CAD 1.3039 CAD to BGN
BGN BGN KYD KYD 0.4624 BGN to KYD 2.1625 KYD to BGN
BGN BGN CLP CLP 525.6938 BGN to CLP 0.0019 CLP to BGN
BGN BGN COP COP 2237.6119 BGN to COP 0.0004 COP to BGN
BGN BGN CRC CRC 293.406 BGN to CRC 0.0034 CRC to BGN
BGN BGN DOP DOP 32.8688 BGN to DOP 0.0304 DOP to BGN
BGN BGN SVC SVC 4.8554 BGN to SVC 0.206 SVC to BGN
BGN BGN FJD FJD 1.2543 BGN to FJD 0.7972 FJD to BGN
BGN BGN HNL HNL 13.7404 BGN to HNL 0.0728 HNL to BGN
BGN BGN JMD JMD 86.8605 BGN to JMD 0.0115 JMD to BGN
BGN BGN MXN MXN 10.2224 BGN to MXN 0.0978 MXN to BGN
BGN BGN ANG ANG 1.0001 BGN to ANG 0.9999 ANG to BGN
BGN BGN PYG PYG 4208.5311 BGN to PYG 0.0002 PYG to BGN
BGN BGN PEN PEN 2.0767 BGN to PEN 0.4815 PEN to BGN
BGN BGN TTD TTD 3.7718 BGN to TTD 0.2651 TTD to BGN
BGN BGN USD USD 0.555 BGN to USD 1.8017 USD to BGN
BGN BGN UYU UYU 22.3004 BGN to UYU 0.0448 UYU to BGN
BGN BGN VEF VEF 2010551.1811 BGN to VEF 0 VEF to BGN
Updated: 2024-07-26
Convert from Convert to 1 BGN Conversion in currency Conversion
BGN BGN AUD AUD 0.8473 BGN to AUD 1.1802 AUD to BGN
BGN BGN BDT BDT 65.204 BGN to BDT 0.0153 BDT to BGN
BGN BGN BND BND 0.7448 BGN to BND 1.3427 BND to BGN
BGN BGN CNY CNY 4.0226 BGN to CNY 0.2486 CNY to BGN
BGN BGN INR INR 46.4712 BGN to INR 0.0215 INR to BGN
BGN BGN IDR IDR 9045.0459 BGN to IDR 0.0001 IDR to BGN
BGN BGN JPY JPY 85.3663 BGN to JPY 0.0117 JPY to BGN
BGN BGN MYR MYR 2.5878 BGN to MYR 0.3864 MYR to BGN
BGN BGN MVR MVR 8.5195 BGN to MVR 0.1174 MVR to BGN
BGN BGN NPR NPR 74.3155 BGN to NPR 0.0135 NPR to BGN
BGN BGN NZD NZD 0.9429 BGN to NZD 1.0605 NZD to BGN
BGN BGN PKR PKR 154.4861 BGN to PKR 0.0065 PKR to BGN
BGN BGN PGK PGK 2.1462 BGN to PGK 0.4659 PGK to BGN
BGN BGN PHP PHP 32.4324 BGN to PHP 0.0308 PHP to BGN
BGN BGN SCR SCR 7.3685 BGN to SCR 0.1357 SCR to BGN
BGN BGN SGD SGD 0.7454 BGN to SGD 1.3415 SGD to BGN
BGN BGN KRW KRW 769.345 BGN to KRW 0.0013 KRW to BGN
BGN BGN LKR LKR 168.3616 BGN to LKR 0.0059 LKR to BGN
BGN BGN TWD TWD 18.2145 BGN to TWD 0.0549 TWD to BGN
BGN BGN THB THB 20.058 BGN to THB 0.0499 THB to BGN
Updated: 2024-07-26
Convert from Convert to 1 BGN Conversion in currency Conversion
BGN BGN BHD BHD 0.2092 BGN to BHD 4.7798 BHD to BGN
BGN BGN EGP EGP 26.8274 BGN to EGP 0.0373 EGP to BGN
BGN BGN HKD HKD 4.3332 BGN to HKD 0.2308 HKD to BGN
BGN BGN ILS ILS 2.0358 BGN to ILS 0.4912 ILS to BGN
BGN BGN JOD JOD 0.3934 BGN to JOD 2.5422 JOD to BGN
BGN BGN KWD KWD 0.1698 BGN to KWD 5.891 KWD to BGN
BGN BGN LBP LBP 49691.9838 BGN to LBP 0 LBP to BGN
BGN BGN OMR OMR 0.2137 BGN to OMR 4.6803 OMR to BGN
BGN BGN QAR QAR 2.0241 BGN to QAR 0.494 QAR to BGN
BGN BGN SAR SAR 2.0818 BGN to SAR 0.4804 SAR to BGN
BGN BGN AED AED 2.0386 BGN to AED 0.4905 AED to BGN
BGN BGN YER YER 138.9516 BGN to YER 0.0072 YER to BGN
Updated: 2024-07-26
Convert from Convert to 1 BGN Conversion in currency Conversion
BGN BGN DZD DZD 74.6104 BGN to DZD 0.0134 DZD to BGN
BGN BGN KES KES 72.1377 BGN to KES 0.0139 KES to BGN
BGN BGN MUR MUR 25.9976 BGN to MUR 0.0385 MUR to BGN
BGN BGN MAD MAD 5.4577 BGN to MAD 0.1832 MAD to BGN
BGN BGN NAD NAD 10.2577 BGN to NAD 0.0975 NAD to BGN
BGN BGN NIO NIO 20.424 BGN to NIO 0.049 NIO to BGN
BGN BGN NGN NGN 864.2117 BGN to NGN 0.0012 NGN to BGN
BGN BGN SLL SLL 11638.7791 BGN to SLL 0.0001 SLL to BGN
BGN BGN ZAR ZAR 10.1715 BGN to ZAR 0.0983 ZAR to BGN
BGN BGN TZS TZS 1493.3005 BGN to TZS 0.0007 TZS to BGN
BGN BGN TND TND 1.7222 BGN to TND 0.5807 TND to BGN
BGN BGN UGX UGX 2073.5809 BGN to UGX 0.0005 UGX to BGN
BGN BGN XOF XOF 335.4328 BGN to XOF 0.003 XOF to BGN
BGN BGN ZMK ZMK 4995.9623 BGN to ZMK 0.0002 ZMK to BGN

Bulgarian Lev (BGN)

Sign лв
1 Bulgarian Lev is subdivided into 100 stotinki.

BGN is the currency code for the fourth and current issue of the Bulgarian lev. previous versions of the currency had their own unique currency code. The written symbol for the lev is "??" and the lev itself is split into 100 sub units called stotinki's. The Bulgarian National Bank, the central bank of Bulgaria, presides over BGN monetary policy and the issuance of lev banknotes. The Bulgarian National Bank is an independent central bank and the sole owner of the Bulgarian Mint.

Coins used:
1, 2, 5, 10, 20 & 50 stotinki, 1 lev

Banknotes used:
- frequently used: 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 leva
- rarely used: 1 lev

Central Bank
Bulgarian National Bank
The BGN banknotes are in common circulation in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 lev and the BGN coins are currently minted in 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 stotinki and 1 lev denominations. It is important to note that the current lev, the BGN, is a fourth issue of the currency made in 1999 and all previous issues of the lev are not valid. This re-issuance was a monetary policy decision of the Bulgarian central bank to adjust for inflation. The current target of the Bulgarian National Bank is to maintain price stability and monetary policy consistent with the eurozone in order to eventually gain acceptance of Bulgaria into the eurozone, in which case the BGN will be replaced with the EUR. The value of the lev is currently pegged to the EUR.

Bulgaria itself is an advanced industrialized market based economy with nearly 8 million people and over 80% of its GDP produced through independent private sector business. This change has been rapid as Bulgaria emerged from being primarily an agricultural based economy in the late 1940's to the advanced economy it is today.

Other References
Wikipedia article on Bulgarian Lev

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