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New Taiwan Dollar (TWD) Exchange Rates on 27th July 2024 (27/07/2024)

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Exchange rates for New Taiwan Dollar (TWD)

Updated: 2024-07-27
Convert from Convert to 1 TWD Conversion in currency Conversion
TWD TWD GBP GBP 0.0237 TWD to GBP 42.2166 GBP to TWD
TWD TWD BGN BGN 0.0549 TWD to BGN 18.2145 BGN to TWD
TWD TWD HRK HRK 0.2105 TWD to HRK 4.7506 HRK to TWD
TWD TWD CZK CZK 0.7117 TWD to CZK 1.4051 CZK to TWD
TWD TWD DKK DKK 0.2094 TWD to DKK 4.7745 DKK to TWD
TWD TWD HUF HUF 11.0107 TWD to HUF 0.0908 HUF to TWD
TWD TWD KZT KZT 14.4657 TWD to KZT 0.0691 KZT to TWD
TWD TWD LVL LVL 0.0184 TWD to LVL 54.2529 LVL to TWD
TWD TWD MKD MKD 1.7298 TWD to MKD 0.5781 MKD to TWD
TWD TWD MDL MDL 0.5417 TWD to MDL 1.8461 MDL to TWD
TWD TWD NOK NOK 0.3359 TWD to NOK 2.9774 NOK to TWD
TWD TWD PLN PLN 0.1202 TWD to PLN 8.3162 PLN to TWD
TWD TWD RON RON 0.1394 TWD to RON 7.1717 RON to TWD
TWD TWD RUB RUB 2.5896 TWD to RUB 0.3862 RUB to TWD
TWD TWD SEK SEK 0.3298 TWD to SEK 3.0319 SEK to TWD
TWD TWD CHF CHF 0.0268 TWD to CHF 37.2535 CHF to TWD
TWD TWD TRY TRY 1.0083 TWD to TRY 0.9917 TRY to TWD
TWD TWD UAH UAH 1.2556 TWD to UAH 0.7964 UAH to TWD
Updated: 2024-07-27
Convert from Convert to 1 TWD Conversion in currency Conversion
TWD TWD ARS ARS 28.3238 TWD to ARS 0.0353 ARS to TWD
TWD TWD BOB BOB 0.2105 TWD to BOB 4.7505 BOB to TWD
TWD TWD BRL BRL 0.172 TWD to BRL 5.8137 BRL to TWD
TWD TWD CAD CAD 0.0421 TWD to CAD 23.7503 CAD to TWD
TWD TWD KYD KYD 0.0254 TWD to KYD 39.389 KYD to TWD
TWD TWD CLP CLP 28.8613 TWD to CLP 0.0346 CLP to TWD
TWD TWD COP COP 122.8477 TWD to COP 0.0081 COP to TWD
TWD TWD CRC CRC 16.1084 TWD to CRC 0.0621 CRC to TWD
TWD TWD DOP DOP 1.8045 TWD to DOP 0.5542 DOP to TWD
TWD TWD SVC SVC 0.2666 TWD to SVC 3.7514 SVC to TWD
TWD TWD FJD FJD 0.0689 TWD to FJD 14.5211 FJD to TWD
TWD TWD HNL HNL 0.7544 TWD to HNL 1.3256 HNL to TWD
TWD TWD JMD JMD 4.7688 TWD to JMD 0.2097 JMD to TWD
TWD TWD MXN MXN 0.5612 TWD to MXN 1.7818 MXN to TWD
TWD TWD ANG ANG 0.0549 TWD to ANG 18.2131 ANG to TWD
TWD TWD PYG PYG 231.0537 TWD to PYG 0.0043 PYG to TWD
TWD TWD PEN PEN 0.114 TWD to PEN 8.7711 PEN to TWD
TWD TWD TTD TTD 0.2071 TWD to TTD 4.8291 TTD to TWD
TWD TWD USD USD 0.0305 TWD to USD 32.817 USD to TWD
TWD TWD UYU UYU 1.2243 TWD to UYU 0.8168 UYU to TWD
TWD TWD VEF VEF 110381.8182 TWD to VEF 0 VEF to TWD
Updated: 2024-07-27
Convert from Convert to 1 TWD Conversion in currency Conversion
TWD TWD AUD AUD 0.0465 TWD to AUD 21.4968 AUD to TWD
TWD TWD BDT BDT 3.5798 TWD to BDT 0.2793 BDT to TWD
TWD TWD BND BND 0.0409 TWD to BND 24.457 BND to TWD
TWD TWD CNY CNY 0.2208 TWD to CNY 4.528 CNY to TWD
TWD TWD INR INR 2.5513 TWD to INR 0.392 INR to TWD
TWD TWD IDR IDR 496.5845 TWD to IDR 0.002 IDR to TWD
TWD TWD JPY JPY 4.6867 TWD to JPY 0.2134 JPY to TWD
TWD TWD MYR MYR 0.1421 TWD to MYR 7.0385 MYR to TWD
TWD TWD MVR MVR 0.4677 TWD to MVR 2.138 MVR to TWD
TWD TWD NPR NPR 4.08 TWD to NPR 0.2451 NPR to TWD
TWD TWD NZD NZD 0.0518 TWD to NZD 19.3171 NZD to TWD
TWD TWD PKR PKR 8.4815 TWD to PKR 0.1179 PKR to TWD
TWD TWD PGK PGK 0.1178 TWD to PGK 8.4868 PGK to TWD
TWD TWD PHP PHP 1.7806 TWD to PHP 0.5616 PHP to TWD
TWD TWD SCR SCR 0.4045 TWD to SCR 2.472 SCR to TWD
TWD TWD SGD SGD 0.0409 TWD to SGD 24.4355 SGD to TWD
TWD TWD KRW KRW 42.238 TWD to KRW 0.0237 KRW to TWD
TWD TWD LKR LKR 9.2433 TWD to LKR 0.1082 LKR to TWD
TWD TWD THB THB 1.1012 TWD to THB 0.9081 THB to TWD
Updated: 2024-07-27
Convert from Convert to 1 TWD Conversion in currency Conversion
TWD TWD BHD BHD 0.0115 TWD to BHD 87.0618 BHD to TWD
TWD TWD EGP EGP 1.4729 TWD to EGP 0.679 EGP to TWD
TWD TWD HKD HKD 0.2379 TWD to HKD 4.2035 HKD to TWD
TWD TWD ILS ILS 0.1118 TWD to ILS 8.9472 ILS to TWD
TWD TWD JOD JOD 0.0216 TWD to JOD 46.3057 JOD to TWD
TWD TWD KWD KWD 0.0093 TWD to KWD 107.3014 KWD to TWD
TWD TWD LBP LBP 2728.1531 TWD to LBP 0.0004 LBP to TWD
TWD TWD OMR OMR 0.0117 TWD to OMR 85.2486 OMR to TWD
TWD TWD QAR QAR 0.1111 TWD to QAR 8.9988 QAR to TWD
TWD TWD SAR SAR 0.1143 TWD to SAR 8.7494 SAR to TWD
TWD TWD AED AED 0.1119 TWD to AED 8.9347 AED to TWD
TWD TWD YER YER 7.6286 TWD to YER 0.1311 YER to TWD
Updated: 2024-07-27
Convert from Convert to 1 TWD Conversion in currency Conversion
TWD TWD DZD DZD 4.0962 TWD to DZD 0.2441 DZD to TWD
TWD TWD KES KES 3.9605 TWD to KES 0.2525 KES to TWD
TWD TWD MUR MUR 1.4273 TWD to MUR 0.7006 MUR to TWD
TWD TWD MAD MAD 0.2996 TWD to MAD 3.3374 MAD to TWD
TWD TWD NAD NAD 0.5632 TWD to NAD 1.7757 NAD to TWD
TWD TWD NIO NIO 1.1213 TWD to NIO 0.8918 NIO to TWD
TWD TWD NGN NGN 47.4463 TWD to NGN 0.0211 NGN to TWD
TWD TWD SLL SLL 638.9838 TWD to SLL 0.0016 SLL to TWD
TWD TWD ZAR ZAR 0.5584 TWD to ZAR 1.7907 ZAR to TWD
TWD TWD TZS TZS 81.9841 TWD to TZS 0.0122 TZS to TWD
TWD TWD TND TND 0.0946 TWD to TND 10.5763 TND to TWD
TWD TWD UGX UGX 113.8422 TWD to UGX 0.0088 UGX to TWD
TWD TWD XOF XOF 18.4157 TWD to XOF 0.0543 XOF to TWD
TWD TWD ZMK ZMK 274.2847 TWD to ZMK 0.0036 ZMK to TWD

New Taiwan Dollar (TWD)

Sign NT$
1 New Taiwan Dollar is subdivided into 100 cents.

The New Taiwan Dollar is the official currency of Taiwan. Banknotes for the dollar are issued in denominations of NT20, NT100, NT200, NT500, NT1,000 and NT2,000. Coins are issued in denominations of NT1, NT5, NT10 and NT50. While many countries in Asia share different currencies, Taiwan is the only country that uses the New Taiwan dollar and uses no other currency.

Coins used:
-frequently $1, $5, $10, $50
-rarely $20

Banknotes used:
-frequently $100, $500, $1000
-rarely $200, $2000

Central Bank
Central Bank of the Republic of China
Those looking for foreign currency exchange when visiting Taiwan should check local banks. Those from other countries are permitted to open a local bank account even without having an ARC if they obtain an identification number from a local police department. ATMs are located at various banks, convenience stores and many hotels and airports. ATMs offer cash withdrawals from international accounts and funds are dispersed in local currency. Most have access to international Cirrus and Plus networks and offer options in the English language. Some ATMs also provide access to Star, Interlink and Accel networks. Limits may be placed on the amount of cash that can be withdrawn from a single account per day and fees are often charged for transactions. Most banks on the island charge a fee of NT7 per cash withdrawal transaction.

The US Dollar is the most widely accepted form of cash other than the New Taiwan dollar. Banks offer foreign currency exchange and there are a number of desks located in airports and hotels that offer this service as well. Most banks provide information on the current rate of exchange or visitors can check local newspapers for this information. Money changers are not as commonly seen in Taiwan as they are in other countries so banks and hotel desks are the best option for foreign currency exchange.

Credit cards are accepted for most purchases and for hotels and restaurants in larger cities. Cheap hotels typically accept only cash for rooms that cost less than NT1,000 per night. Smaller delis and restaurants may not be set up to accept credit cards so having access to cash is a good idea when visiting the island.

Traveler�s checks are widely accepted, provided they are in US dollars. Those in US dollars offer a much lower rate of exchange than those in other currencies, although most banks will accept traveler�s checks in other currencies. Those that do cash these checks may offer low exchange rates but charge a hefty commission. Visitors should be sure to check rates and commission fees before every transaction.

Other References
Wikipedia article on New Taiwan Dollar

Have more info on the New Taiwan Dollar? Please contact us