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Swiss Franc (CHF) Exchange Rates on 26th July 2024 (26/07/2024)

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Exchange rates for Swiss Franc (CHF)

Updated: 2024-07-26
Convert from Convert to 1 CHF Conversion in currency Conversion
CHF CHF GBP GBP 0.8824 CHF to GBP 1.1332 GBP to CHF
CHF CHF BGN BGN 2.0453 CHF to BGN 0.4889 BGN to CHF
CHF CHF HRK HRK 7.8418 CHF to HRK 0.1275 HRK to CHF
CHF CHF CZK CZK 26.514 CHF to CZK 0.0377 CZK to CHF
CHF CHF DKK DKK 7.8026 CHF to DKK 0.1282 DKK to CHF
CHF CHF HUF HUF 410.1888 CHF to HUF 0.0024 HUF to CHF
CHF CHF KZT KZT 538.898 CHF to KZT 0.0019 KZT to CHF
CHF CHF LVL LVL 0.6867 CHF to LVL 1.4563 LVL to CHF
CHF CHF MKD MKD 64.4416 CHF to MKD 0.0155 MKD to CHF
CHF CHF MDL MDL 20.1791 CHF to MDL 0.0496 MDL to CHF
CHF CHF NOK NOK 12.5123 CHF to NOK 0.0799 NOK to CHF
CHF CHF PLN PLN 4.4796 CHF to PLN 0.2232 PLN to CHF
CHF CHF RON RON 5.1945 CHF to RON 0.1925 RON to CHF
CHF CHF RUB RUB 96.4711 CHF to RUB 0.0104 RUB to CHF
CHF CHF SEK SEK 12.2873 CHF to SEK 0.0814 SEK to CHF
CHF CHF TRY TRY 37.5636 CHF to TRY 0.0266 TRY to CHF
CHF CHF UAH UAH 46.7771 CHF to UAH 0.0214 UAH to CHF
Updated: 2024-07-26
Convert from Convert to 1 CHF Conversion in currency Conversion
CHF CHF ARS ARS 1055.1623 CHF to ARS 0.0009 ARS to CHF
CHF CHF BOB BOB 7.842 CHF to BOB 0.1275 BOB to CHF
CHF CHF BRL BRL 6.4079 CHF to BRL 0.1561 BRL to CHF
CHF CHF CAD CAD 1.5685 CHF to CAD 0.6375 CAD to CHF
CHF CHF KYD KYD 0.9458 CHF to KYD 1.0573 KYD to CHF
CHF CHF CLP CLP 1075.1836 CHF to CLP 0.0009 CLP to CHF
CHF CHF COP COP 4576.5113 CHF to COP 0.0002 COP to CHF
CHF CHF CRC CRC 600.0932 CHF to CRC 0.0017 CRC to CHF
CHF CHF DOP DOP 67.2255 CHF to DOP 0.0149 DOP to CHF
CHF CHF SVC SVC 9.9306 CHF to SVC 0.1007 SVC to CHF
CHF CHF FJD FJD 2.5655 CHF to FJD 0.3898 FJD to CHF
CHF CHF HNL HNL 28.1029 CHF to HNL 0.0356 HNL to CHF
CHF CHF JMD JMD 177.6529 CHF to JMD 0.0056 JMD to CHF
CHF CHF MXN MXN 20.9076 CHF to MXN 0.0478 MXN to CHF
CHF CHF ANG ANG 2.0454 CHF to ANG 0.4889 ANG to CHF
CHF CHF PYG PYG 8607.565 CHF to PYG 0.0001 PYG to CHF
CHF CHF PEN PEN 4.2473 CHF to PEN 0.2354 PEN to CHF
CHF CHF TTD TTD 7.7144 CHF to TTD 0.1296 TTD to CHF
CHF CHF USD USD 1.1352 CHF to USD 0.8809 USD to CHF
CHF CHF UYU UYU 45.6102 CHF to UYU 0.0219 UYU to CHF
CHF CHF VEF VEF 4112111.6679 CHF to VEF 0 VEF to CHF
Updated: 2024-07-26
Convert from Convert to 1 CHF Conversion in currency Conversion
CHF CHF AUD AUD 1.733 CHF to AUD 0.577 AUD to CHF
CHF CHF BDT BDT 133.3595 CHF to BDT 0.0075 BDT to CHF
CHF CHF BND BND 1.5232 CHF to BND 0.6565 BND to CHF
CHF CHF CNY CNY 8.2274 CHF to CNY 0.1215 CNY to CHF
CHF CHF INR INR 95.046 CHF to INR 0.0105 INR to CHF
CHF CHF IDR IDR 18499.5234 CHF to IDR 0.0001 IDR to CHF
CHF CHF JPY JPY 174.5968 CHF to JPY 0.0057 JPY to CHF
CHF CHF MYR MYR 5.2928 CHF to MYR 0.1889 MYR to CHF
CHF CHF MVR MVR 17.4247 CHF to MVR 0.0574 MVR to CHF
CHF CHF NPR NPR 151.995 CHF to NPR 0.0066 NPR to CHF
CHF CHF NZD NZD 1.9285 CHF to NZD 0.5185 NZD to CHF
CHF CHF PKR PKR 315.9652 CHF to PKR 0.0032 PKR to CHF
CHF CHF PGK PGK 4.3896 CHF to PGK 0.2278 PGK to CHF
CHF CHF PHP PHP 66.333 CHF to PHP 0.0151 PHP to CHF
CHF CHF SCR SCR 15.0705 CHF to SCR 0.0664 SCR to CHF
CHF CHF SGD SGD 1.5246 CHF to SGD 0.6559 SGD to CHF
CHF CHF KRW KRW 1573.515 CHF to KRW 0.0006 KRW to CHF
CHF CHF LKR LKR 344.3443 CHF to LKR 0.0029 LKR to CHF
CHF CHF TWD TWD 37.2535 CHF to TWD 0.0268 TWD to CHF
CHF CHF THB THB 41.024 CHF to THB 0.0244 THB to CHF
Updated: 2024-07-26
Convert from Convert to 1 CHF Conversion in currency Conversion
CHF CHF BHD BHD 0.4279 CHF to BHD 2.337 BHD to CHF
CHF CHF EGP EGP 54.8692 CHF to EGP 0.0182 EGP to CHF
CHF CHF HKD HKD 8.8625 CHF to HKD 0.1128 HKD to CHF
CHF CHF ILS ILS 4.1637 CHF to ILS 0.2402 ILS to CHF
CHF CHF JOD JOD 0.8045 CHF to JOD 1.243 JOD to CHF
CHF CHF KWD KWD 0.3472 CHF to KWD 2.8803 KWD to CHF
CHF CHF LBP LBP 101633.3174 CHF to LBP 0 LBP to CHF
CHF CHF OMR OMR 0.437 CHF to OMR 2.2883 OMR to CHF
CHF CHF QAR QAR 4.1398 CHF to QAR 0.2416 QAR to CHF
CHF CHF SAR SAR 4.2578 CHF to SAR 0.2349 SAR to CHF
CHF CHF AED AED 4.1695 CHF to AED 0.2398 AED to CHF
CHF CHF YER YER 284.193 CHF to YER 0.0035 YER to CHF
Updated: 2024-07-26
Convert from Convert to 1 CHF Conversion in currency Conversion
CHF CHF DZD DZD 152.5982 CHF to DZD 0.0066 DZD to CHF
CHF CHF KES KES 147.5408 CHF to KES 0.0068 KES to CHF
CHF CHF MUR MUR 53.1719 CHF to MUR 0.0188 MUR to CHF
CHF CHF MAD MAD 11.1625 CHF to MAD 0.0896 MAD to CHF
CHF CHF NAD NAD 20.9797 CHF to NAD 0.0477 NAD to CHF
CHF CHF NIO NIO 41.7725 CHF to NIO 0.0239 NIO to CHF
CHF CHF NGN NGN 1767.5428 CHF to NGN 0.0006 NGN to CHF
CHF CHF SLL SLL 23804.3974 CHF to SLL 0 SLL to CHF
CHF CHF ZAR ZAR 20.8034 CHF to ZAR 0.0481 ZAR to CHF
CHF CHF TZS TZS 3054.1966 CHF to TZS 0.0003 TZS to CHF
CHF CHF TND TND 3.5224 CHF to TND 0.2839 TND to CHF
CHF CHF UGX UGX 4241.0242 CHF to UGX 0.0002 UGX to CHF
CHF CHF XOF XOF 686.0493 CHF to XOF 0.0015 XOF to CHF
CHF CHF ZMK ZMK 10218.0711 CHF to ZMK 0.0001 ZMK to CHF

Swiss Franc (CHF)

Sign CHF
1 Swiss Franc is subdivided into 100 Rappen (German), centime (French), centesimo (Italian), and rap (Romansh).

CHF is the currency code for the Swiss Franc which is the official currency of both Switzerland and Liechtenstein, is legal tender in both of these countries and Campione d'Italia. The CHF is the sixth most traded currency and is the fifth most widely held reserve currency in the world. While there is no official symbol for the franc, the official accounting abbreviation is "Fr" or "SFr". The "CH" in the currency code references the Latin term Confoederatio Helvetica which can be translated as Swiss Confederation, denoting the structure of Switzerland as a confederation of 26 different states or cantons.

Coins used:
5 rappen, 10 rappen, 20 rappen, 0.5 francs, 1 franc, 2 francs, 5 francs

Banknotes used:
10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 1,000 francs

Central Bank
Swiss National Bank
Throughout history there have been many currencies denominated in Francs throughout Europe but at this time the Swiss franc is the only franc in circulation. Monetary policy and issuance of the Swiss franc is managed by the Swiss National Bank which is owned both by the government and through publicly traded shares of interest available for purchase by private individuals. The public portion of ownership encompasses 55% of the total shares and is primarily owned by cantons, the 26 member states of Switzerland, and the 24 cantonal banks, regional specific Swiss member state owned commercial banks.

As a central bank the primary mandate of the Swiss National Bank is to serve the best interest of Switzerland, which has been interpreted as a primary focus on price stability, but not at the expense of the economic environment as a whole. The specific Swiss National Bank monetary policy at this time is keeping the Swiss consumer price index increasing at a rate below 2% and keeping the 3 month risk free rate of return in Swiss francs equal to the LIBOR. No discussion of the CHF should be without brief mention of the controversy over ownership of the Swiss National Bank gold reserves. Now listed at 1145 metric tons (each ton at 2204.6 pounds) there is currently and will always remain an issue as to the amount of gold the Swiss National Bank held for the Nazi's during World War II. This gold having been acquired through German conquest and theft. There is no legitimate tracing mechanism nor potential the Swiss national bank would have to return the gold, but it is a critical piece of Swiss National Bank history that anyone must know exists in order to remain culturally literate on the Swiss National Bank.

Though the Swiss National Bank has stated targets of price stability, their actions have shown they are willing to forego price stability, even at the expense of high inflation, if necessary in order to maintain a specific foreign exchange rate. This had been the case from 1978 through 2011, but in 2011 the Swiss National Bank, in an unprecedented announcement and unanticipated move, issued a statement that the current exchange rate with the euro was getting too high and that it was threatening the stability of the Swiss economy, therefore the Swiss National Bank was willing to purchase an unlimited amount of foreign currency to rectify the problem. This statement shocked currency markets and lead to a single day impact of reducing the CHF against the EUR by 8.8%, the USD by 9.5% and an average of 8.2% against sixteen other major currencies. This surprise move by the Swiss National Bank has forced currency traders worldwide into re-evaluating the traditionally accepted thought of the CHF as a safe haven currency. Historically the CHF was considered by most as a safe haven given the Swiss National Bank's focus on low inflation and its policy of backing the CHF with 40% gold reserves. Even thought this reserve requirement was eliminated in 2000 and the bank held a gold sell off reducing reserves to 20%, the historic acceptance of the CHF as a safe haven remained.

Though this Swiss National Bank historic announcement and action caught many by surprise, in hindsight it was not without warning. The move was precipitated by the rapid increase in value of the CHF in 2011. In March 2011 the CHF had already gained significant value from demand by investors seeking a safe haven from the growing Greek and worldwide debt crisis. By June 2011 the CHF increased another 10% and by August 2011 another 10%. This was leading to a liquidity crisis in Switzerland where corporations were credibly making plans to move their operations out of the country and interest rates amazingly turned negative. This was an unacceptable situation to the Swiss National Bank and posed a lot of over-valuation risk to the CHF in addition to the challenges of liquidity throughout the economy. As a result the Swiss National Bank took its unprecedented move on September 6, 2011 when they made their historic announcement. This scenario is critical in understanding the CHF and all currencies, knowing that history will not always determine future actions and mounting pressures can force the hand of even the most stable of currencies creating dire consequences for all invested in the underlying currency markets.

The franc itself is also known as the franken or franco and at one time was denominated in as small as 1/100ths of a franc. These 1/100ths of a franc are known as a Rappen (Rp), centime (c0), centismo (ct) or rap (rp) with the most common Swiss usage being Rappen (Rp). Currently, the smallest fraction of a franc coin produced by the Swiss Mint and in circulation is the 5 rappen with the 1 rappen coin no longer produced after 2006. The largest coins in circulation are valued at 1, 2, and 5 francs. Paper banknotes issued by the Swiss National Bank range from 10 francs through 1000 francs. A unique characteristic of the CHF banknotes is that they are all quadrilingual, they include information about the note in four different languages, German, French, Italian, and Romansh, all of which are official languages within Switzerland. This homogenization of the franc has occurred over eight different nationwide revisions to the banknotes and reflects the multicultural history of the CHF and the Helvetic republic from 1798, later re-established in 1850 as the Swiss confederation.

Other References
Wikipedia article on Swiss Franc

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