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Canadian Dollar (CAD) Exchange Rates on 27th July 2024 (27/07/2024)

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Exchange rates for Canadian Dollar (CAD)

Updated: 2024-07-27
Convert from Convert to 1 CAD Conversion in currency Conversion
CAD CAD GBP GBP 0.5626 CAD to GBP 1.7775 GBP to CAD
CAD CAD BGN BGN 1.3039 CAD to BGN 0.7669 BGN to CAD
CAD CAD HRK HRK 4.9994 CAD to HRK 0.2 HRK to CAD
CAD CAD CZK CZK 16.9035 CAD to CZK 0.0592 CZK to CAD
CAD CAD DKK DKK 4.9744 CAD to DKK 0.201 DKK to CAD
CAD CAD HUF HUF 261.5085 CAD to HUF 0.0038 HUF to CAD
CAD CAD KZT KZT 343.5648 CAD to KZT 0.0029 KZT to CAD
CAD CAD LVL LVL 0.4378 CAD to LVL 2.2843 LVL to CAD
CAD CAD MKD MKD 41.0836 CAD to MKD 0.0243 MKD to CAD
CAD CAD MDL MDL 12.8648 CAD to MDL 0.0777 MDL to CAD
CAD CAD NOK NOK 7.977 CAD to NOK 0.1254 NOK to CAD
CAD CAD PLN PLN 2.8559 CAD to PLN 0.3502 PLN to CAD
CAD CAD RON RON 3.3117 CAD to RON 0.302 RON to CAD
CAD CAD RUB RUB 61.5034 CAD to RUB 0.0163 RUB to CAD
CAD CAD SEK SEK 7.8336 CAD to SEK 0.1277 SEK to CAD
CAD CAD CHF CHF 0.6375 CAD to CHF 1.5685 CHF to CAD
CAD CAD TRY TRY 23.948 CAD to TRY 0.0418 TRY to CAD
CAD CAD UAH UAH 29.8219 CAD to UAH 0.0335 UAH to CAD
Updated: 2024-07-27
Convert from Convert to 1 CAD Conversion in currency Conversion
CAD CAD ARS ARS 672.6999 CAD to ARS 0.0015 ARS to CAD
CAD CAD BOB BOB 4.9995 CAD to BOB 0.2 BOB to CAD
CAD CAD BRL BRL 4.0852 CAD to BRL 0.2448 BRL to CAD
CAD CAD KYD KYD 0.603 CAD to KYD 1.6585 KYD to CAD
CAD CAD CLP CLP 685.4641 CAD to CLP 0.0015 CLP to CAD
CAD CAD COP COP 2917.6731 CAD to COP 0.0003 COP to CAD
CAD CAD CRC CRC 382.5787 CAD to CRC 0.0026 CRC to CAD
CAD CAD DOP DOP 42.8584 CAD to DOP 0.0233 DOP to CAD
CAD CAD SVC SVC 6.3311 CAD to SVC 0.158 SVC to CAD
CAD CAD FJD FJD 1.6356 CAD to FJD 0.6114 FJD to CAD
CAD CAD HNL HNL 17.9165 CAD to HNL 0.0558 HNL to CAD
CAD CAD JMD JMD 113.2594 CAD to JMD 0.0088 JMD to CAD
CAD CAD MXN MXN 13.3293 CAD to MXN 0.075 MXN to CAD
CAD CAD ANG ANG 1.304 CAD to ANG 0.7669 ANG to CAD
CAD CAD PYG PYG 5487.5995 CAD to PYG 0.0002 PYG to CAD
CAD CAD PEN PEN 2.7078 CAD to PEN 0.3693 PEN to CAD
CAD CAD TTD TTD 4.9182 CAD to TTD 0.2033 TTD to CAD
CAD CAD USD USD 0.7237 CAD to USD 1.3818 USD to CAD
CAD CAD UYU UYU 29.078 CAD to UYU 0.0344 UYU to CAD
CAD CAD VEF VEF 2621603.4359 CAD to VEF 0 VEF to CAD
Updated: 2024-07-27
Convert from Convert to 1 CAD Conversion in currency Conversion
CAD CAD AUD AUD 1.1048 CAD to AUD 0.9051 AUD to CAD
CAD CAD BDT BDT 85.021 CAD to BDT 0.0118 BDT to CAD
CAD CAD BND BND 0.9711 CAD to BND 1.0298 BND to CAD
CAD CAD CNY CNY 5.2452 CAD to CNY 0.1906 CNY to CAD
CAD CAD INR INR 60.5949 CAD to INR 0.0165 INR to CAD
CAD CAD IDR IDR 11794.0411 CAD to IDR 0.0001 IDR to CAD
CAD CAD JPY JPY 111.3111 CAD to JPY 0.009 JPY to CAD
CAD CAD MYR MYR 3.3743 CAD to MYR 0.2964 MYR to CAD
CAD CAD MVR MVR 11.1088 CAD to MVR 0.09 MVR to CAD
CAD CAD NPR NPR 96.9017 CAD to NPR 0.0103 NPR to CAD
CAD CAD NZD NZD 1.2295 CAD to NZD 0.8133 NZD to CAD
CAD CAD PKR PKR 201.438 CAD to PKR 0.005 PKR to CAD
CAD CAD PGK PGK 2.7985 CAD to PGK 0.3573 PGK to CAD
CAD CAD PHP PHP 42.2894 CAD to PHP 0.0236 PHP to CAD
CAD CAD SCR SCR 9.6079 CAD to SCR 0.1041 SCR to CAD
CAD CAD SGD SGD 0.972 CAD to SGD 1.0289 SGD to CAD
CAD CAD KRW KRW 1003.1664 CAD to KRW 0.001 KRW to CAD
CAD CAD LKR LKR 219.5306 CAD to LKR 0.0046 LKR to CAD
CAD CAD TWD TWD 23.7503 CAD to TWD 0.0421 TWD to CAD
CAD CAD THB THB 26.1541 CAD to THB 0.0382 THB to CAD
Updated: 2024-07-27
Convert from Convert to 1 CAD Conversion in currency Conversion
CAD CAD BHD BHD 0.2728 CAD to BHD 3.6657 BHD to CAD
CAD CAD EGP EGP 34.9809 CAD to EGP 0.0286 EGP to CAD
CAD CAD HKD HKD 5.6501 CAD to HKD 0.177 HKD to CAD
CAD CAD ILS ILS 2.6545 CAD to ILS 0.3767 ILS to CAD
CAD CAD JOD JOD 0.5129 CAD to JOD 1.9497 JOD to CAD
CAD CAD KWD KWD 0.2213 CAD to KWD 4.5179 KWD to CAD
CAD CAD LBP LBP 64794.5084 CAD to LBP 0 LBP to CAD
CAD CAD OMR OMR 0.2786 CAD to OMR 3.5894 OMR to CAD
CAD CAD QAR QAR 2.6393 CAD to QAR 0.3789 QAR to CAD
CAD CAD SAR SAR 2.7145 CAD to SAR 0.3684 SAR to CAD
CAD CAD AED AED 2.6582 CAD to AED 0.3762 AED to CAD
CAD CAD YER YER 181.1822 CAD to YER 0.0055 YER to CAD
Updated: 2024-07-27
Convert from Convert to 1 CAD Conversion in currency Conversion
CAD CAD DZD DZD 97.2863 CAD to DZD 0.0103 DZD to CAD
CAD CAD KES KES 94.062 CAD to KES 0.0106 KES to CAD
CAD CAD MUR MUR 33.8988 CAD to MUR 0.0295 MUR to CAD
CAD CAD MAD MAD 7.1165 CAD to MAD 0.1405 MAD to CAD
CAD CAD NAD NAD 13.3752 CAD to NAD 0.0748 NAD to CAD
CAD CAD NIO NIO 26.6313 CAD to NIO 0.0375 NIO to CAD
CAD CAD NGN NGN 1126.8654 CAD to NGN 0.0009 NGN to CAD
CAD CAD SLL SLL 15176.0689 CAD to SLL 0.0001 SLL to CAD
CAD CAD ZAR ZAR 13.2629 CAD to ZAR 0.0754 ZAR to CAD
CAD CAD TZS TZS 1947.1485 CAD to TZS 0.0005 TZS to CAD
CAD CAD TND TND 2.2456 CAD to TND 0.4453 TND to CAD
CAD CAD UGX UGX 2703.7893 CAD to UGX 0.0004 UGX to CAD
CAD CAD XOF XOF 437.3785 CAD to XOF 0.0023 XOF to CAD
CAD CAD ZMK ZMK 6514.3489 CAD to ZMK 0.0002 ZMK to CAD

Canadian dollar (CAD)

Sign $ or C$
1 Canadian Dollar is subdivided into 100 cents.

CAD is the currency code for the Canadian dollar (CAD) which is represented in accounting with the $ symbol or C$ when necessary contextually to delineate it from other currencies denominated in dollars. The Bank of Canada is responsible for governance and implementation of Canadian monetary policy, issuance of Canadian notes, coin, and currency as well as having a general mandate of promoting the economic and financial well being of Canada. This is in comparison to the Central Bank mandates of other nation states which are more specific toward price stability or economic growth and employment. The Bank of Canada is wholly owned and operated by the Government of Canada.

Coins used:
- frequently used: 1¢, 5¢, 10¢, 25¢
- rarely used: 50¢, $1

Banknotes used:
- frequently used: $5, $10, $20, $50
- rarely used: $100

Central Bank
Bank of Canada
The CAD is the sixth most traded currency within currency markets and it is oftentimes linked to its dominant southern neighbor in currency pairs. The CAD is also the worlds sixth largest reserve currency when being measured by value. Countries that have central banks that hold and use the CAD as a reserve currency include the Dutch, French, and British foreign territories in the Caribbean as well as many of the central banks in South and central America. This regional use of the Canadian dollar over the United States dollar is for both political and economic reasons. In some instances, due to internal politics the leadership of many countries do not wish to be seen as having ties to the United States and in others it is for economic reasons where economically their central banks feel it is prudent to spread their holdings of reserve currencies into CAD to mitigate debt exposure risks inherent in the United States dollar (USD).

The Bank of Canada has also openly stated that they have not and do not intend in any way to interfere with the CAD as it trades in foreign currency markets. While they have an interest in promoting the financial well being of Canada, as is their mandate, in defining this mandate they have not shown the interest in proactively affecting the CAD prices relative to other currencies. This is in juxtaposition to many other central banks that have an established policy, whether published or anecdotal, of pushing their currencies up or down on the world markets in order to suit an economic or political purpose.

It is worthy of note that they CAD was unique amongst many major world currencies from 1950-1962 in that it was not tied to the Bretton Woods system and as a result was a floating currency, not a fiat currency as is the USD, because it was always been pegged, anchored, or tied in one way or another to the USD until the 1970's, but a floating currency that was allowed to fluctuate on the open markets. Since the USD abandoned the gold standard and Bretton Woods it has floated against worldwide currencies freely, independent of the floating fiat currency, the USD. The value of the CAD on open markets has fluctuated more than would be expected for a major currency. It traded as low as $0.6179 against the USD in 2002, rose steadily with a large jump of 23% in 2007. This, as a result of the rise in commodity prices, namely oil of which Canada is a net exporter, the impact of the worldwide credit crises, and the devaluation of the USD through decreasing United States interest rates.

Therefore the value of the CAD is substantially affected by events and interest rates not only in Canada itself, but also by its dominant neighbor the United States. This is not only due to the USD dominance on the world scene but also because 84.2% of Canada's export trade is with the United states and 56.7% of items imported to Canada come from the Untied States. With this heavy concentration of trade with the United States, as a dominant trading partner, economic events within that the United States have a direct impact on the economy and currency of Canada. This combined with the worldwide price of oil are the two external factors with the largest impact on the CAD. Internal politics, interest rates, fiscal policy, monetary policy, and they nations economy being the largest internal factors.

The CAD as legal tender is broken into 1/100ths with the smallest denomination being one cent. An interesting fact of note with regard to its use as legal tender is that there is an actual legally defined limit as to how much a person is legally required to accept in payment with coins, as opposed to payment with bills. For example, when paying a debt greater than $40 a person is not required to accept payment if the payor is using any combination of $2-$10 coins. Other limits for maximum required acceptance as legal tender are as follows: maximum of $25 with $1 coins, maximum $10 with $0.10 - less than $1 coins, $5 with $0.05 coins, and $0.25 with $0.01 coins. While most countries leave issues of acceptance of coin to pay bills or debts up to each creditor, the Canadian legal code specifically outlines these rules making it a unique feature of the CAD as legal tender.

The history of the CAD has deep routes in its country's ties to England and the British Pound. At one time the CAD was actually called the Canadian Pound. After nearly a century of consistent changes to how the Canadian Pound was benchmarked in value the Uniform Currency Act was passed in 1871 which finalized the issue with the decision that still holds to this day, to switch from the Canadian Pound to the CAD thus binding the CAD forever to the USD. The exact ratio and ways in which it has been bound has changed over the decades, but one way or another the CAD has since 1871 been much more closely ties to the USD than any other worldwide currency. This combined with the Canadian dependence on trade with the United States makes the CAD inextricably tied to the USD with the primary mitigating factor being Canada's ability to export oil, which in the late years of the first decade of the 21st century has been increasingly important in supporting the value of the CAD in spite of the significant drop in the USD.

Other References
Wikipedia article on Canadian Dollar

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