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Is Quantum Processing a Bitcoin Security Risk

The rapid advancement of quantum computing technology may threaten some kinds of digital currencies in the future. Some anticipate that rapid development in quantum computing will have significant implications in domains that rely on public-key cryptography, such as the Bitcoin network, shortly. Before we move on with our article, please register yourself on Bitcoin Era, and learn to start investing in bitcoin through this fantastic trading platform.

It is because conventional algorithms would take an enormous amount of time to conduct such calculations, making them unfeasible. Although such derivations are challenging to execute, Peter Shor's polynomial-time quantum algorithm may use to invalidate digital signatures when performed on a sufficiently sophisticated quantum computer.

Quantum Computing: Potential Risks

We limit ourselves to actual person-to-person payments to better grasp the danger levels presented by sophisticated quantum computing technology. These may split into two groups, each of which is impacted differently by quantum computation:

  • Pay to the public key (p2pk): In this case, it may obtain the public key straight from the wallet's email address. An opponent may theoretically utilize a quantum computer to deduce the private key, enabling them to spend money at the specified location in the future.
  • Pay to public key hash (p2pkh): In this case, the address is made up of a public key soup and is thus not directly accessible from the server. 

Attacking Bitcoin with Quantum Computing: Theoretical Methods of Doing So

Transaction hijacking is a kind of attack in which an attacker computes the private key of a pending transaction from the public key of the trade and then makes a competing transaction using the same coins as the original transaction, thus stealing the victim's assets. The adversary provides a more excellent price to encourage inclusion in the blockchain above the victim's transaction to entice inclusion in the blockchain. It should emphasize that to mine the victim's trade, the attacker must generate, sign, and broadcast the conflicting transaction and execute Shor's algorithm to get the victim's private key before mining the victim's transaction. As a result, the degree of performance of quantum computers determines the likelihood that this attack vector will succeed.

In this scenario, I am using Grover's method to obtain an unfair advantage while mining is a possible attack vector. When searching for unstructured data, this quantum computing method may offer a quadratic increase in hash rate, helpful in speeding up searches. The capacity to mine rapidly in the event of a sudden quantum speedup may result in instability of pricing and control of the chain itself, perhaps leading to 51 percent assaults on the network.

An attacker may potentially build up a secret chain by combining the two vectors mentioned above and then selectively broadcast blocks to rearrange the public chain when they are in command of the private chain. In this case, the proceeds of fraud would not only prevent the payment of rewards and transaction fees, but they would also prevent the payment of any funds contained in (non-quantum-resistant) addresses that use in the overwritten transactions.

 Methods For Combating Potential Quantum Computing Attack Vectors

It is possible to mitigate risk when an adversary has a brief window of opportunity to steal funds using data science tools. It is possible to utilize data collected via Mempool APIs to run real-time machine learning algorithms to detect abnormalities in transaction fees and, as a result, to see attempts at transaction hijacking. Such algorithms may also assist in identifying sudden increases in the hash rate of the blockchain and, as a result, raise alarms about potential "selfish mining."

These models can calculate the potential earnings of adversaries for each threat vector, allowing them to calculate the likelihood of a transaction being fraudulent in the first place. It is possible to build insurance products to cover the fraud risk associated with pending transactions. The price of these insurance products is dynamically calculated based on the fraud likelihood estimated by models.

Such patterns may also use to immediately identify quantum computers in the blockchain, a handy feature. "Reputation scores" may be of particular importance in the event of combination assaults, when attackers use a multi-vector strategy to drain money from the system.

The Rules of Consensus

Users would prompt to adopt more secure practices as a result of this. Consequently, the confirmation time of such transactions would shorten as miners would prioritize them, reducing the window of opportunity for the attacker to take advantage of them.


The development of quantum computers, which have internal states consisting of many qubits, may raise concerns about the cryptographic assurance that underpins Bitcoin. Even users who follow security best practices may be adversely affected when much bitcoin is stolen from untrustworthy addresses, resulting in greater market volatility and increased price volatility. There should be no misunderstanding that the development of "quantum supremacy" does not inevitably result in the deterioration of the Bitcoin environment. Better quantum computing systems will ultimately open the door to possibilities for a gradual economic shift to better tooling and manufacturing.